Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Agency: The Best Control is Self-Control

“We develop control by [learning] freedom…

When one understands the Gospel, it becomes very clear that the best control is self-control.

It may seem unusual at first to foster self-control by centering on freedom of choice, but it is a very sound doctrinal approach. While either subject may be taught separately, and though they may appear at first to be opposites, they are in fact parts of the same subject.
Some who do not understand the doctrinal part do not readily see the relationship between obedience and agency. And they miss one vital connection and see obedience only as restraint. They then resist the very thing that will give them true freedom. There is no true freedom without responsibility, and there is no enduring freedom without a knowledge of the truth.”

President Boyd K. Packer, "Agency and Control", April 1983 General Conference

You can learn more about President Packer here
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*Photo source: http://javaniamwebb.com/2012/05/29/self-control/ 

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